4 Replies to “Arizona: GottaLoveIt”

  1. I went in Arizona in 2008 and stayed a week with the most awesome very politically active Republican couple, who’s nearest neighbor on the mountain was Sean Connery’s vacation home. We watched the republican convention on TV every night while drinking great wine and bitching about the Dems. LOL. Fun, to me. I heart Arizona, too!

  2. One more thing I forgot to mention about this couple I just told you about. The wife was a LEGAL immigrant from Mexico who came here and worked hard and became a citizen (eventually) and she was VERY against illegal immigration. Even though her entire family is still in Mexico.

    1. Yep. My first gig out of college was in a border town barrio school. Almost ALL the kids were children of LEGAL immigrants (yes, the schools could and did check that in those days of yore)–and almost all were born in Mexico. All of them were from families where Spanish was their first language, in any case. Funny thing… the parents were adamant about one particular thing: all instruction was to be in… English. Why? Because they wanted their children to have ALL the advantages of our society (and to benefit from their children adding to their own acquisition of English skills, as well, no doubt), and, as anyone with more active brain cells than a head of steamed cabbage knows, immersion is the best way to acquire a language.

      I have great respect for LEGAL immigrants who seriously want to become Americans. I have nothing but contempt for the outlaws who are alien invaders, jumping the immigration line ahead of those who respect our laws. I’d seriously like to see one component of border enforcement be finking out (for LIVE apprehension and deportation) alien invaders. Of course, I’d have a dog in that fight, as (given the huge numbers of alien invaders I can personally locate) a $10,000/head live apprehension reward would allow me to retire as a multi-millionaire… until Obama’s commie squads came to relieve me of what he thought was too much for me to have…

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