Saturday Fodder

Here’s a little Saturday food for thought from a Rod Schaffter email at Chaos Manor (just scroll down)

David Warren came across some excellent observations by Nicolás Gómez Dávila, a Catholic writer from Colombia:

— Democratic parliaments are not places where debate occurs but where popular absolutism registers its edicts.

— Love of the people is an aristocratic calling. The democrat only loves the people at election time.

— The individual shrinks in proportion as the state grows.

— The one who renounces seems weak to the one incapable of renunciation.

— Violence is not necessary to destroy a civilization. Each civilization dies from indifference towards the unique values which created it.

— To have opinions is the best way to escape the obligation of thinking.

— Nothing multiplies the number of fools so much as the example of celebrities.

— The importance of an event is inversely proportional to the space which the newspapers devote to it.

— An individual declares himself a member of some group with the goal of demanding in its name what he is ashamed to claim in his own name.

— The anger of imbeciles is less frightening than their benevolence.

— “To be useful to society” is the ambition, or excuse, of a prostitute.

Chew on those observations for a while…

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