What Do You Have Planned for Earth Day?

In honor of this enviro-weenie day I propose that folks who’ve not entirely submitted their minds to daily Progressive Lobotomies by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind

1. Turn AC on full blast
2. Pour 2-cycle oil in your 4-cycle mowers and spew smoke
3. Turn on ALL electronics
4. Turn on–and leave on–all the incandescent lights in your houses.
5. Moon at least one greenie.

OK, maybe not the last, but I want to.

I cannot express how disgusted I am with what has become of what was once conservation, and so I advocate that this day be given over to conspicuous over-consumption and ridicule of all that contemporary enviro-nazis stand for (yes, I use the word “nazi” to refer to them for very sound reasons. Examine the German Socialist Democrat Party and draw the parallels for yourself; you can do your own googling).

5 Replies to “What Do You Have Planned for Earth Day?”

  1. I posted about eminent domain up in Auburn NY and then included a jab at the EPA for their helping to destroy property rights under the color of saving the earth.

  2. I’d like to say I celebrated by taking three unnecessary trips in my truck, running errands I could have done in one, hiring someone else to make dinner for The Random Family (thereby contributing to the excess energy consumption of a major restaurant), watched a movie on a big-screen TV with the lights on in two rooms no one was sitting in and ran a computer in a third room rather than having the whole family together for the film (thereby necessitating more energy consumption when Yak the Younger wants to see it later on)….but I’d forgotten it was Earth day. Can I count it as retroactive noncompliance?

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