“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro, Dover, NH)

Emphasis unnecessarily added.

Translation: “firm pledge” = “bald-faced lie”. Go ahead: read his lips.

4 Replies to “LIAR!”

    1. mm, that’s simply a healthy person’s response to evil. Read M. Scott Peck’s “People of the Lie” for a popularly-written, easily accessible insight into The Ø!’s mental processes. Healthy individuals feel their skin crawl when exposed to people like The Ø! OTOH, Those whose antennae for evil have been lobotomized at their roots by Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Educrats, Mass Media Podpeople and the like (with the individual’s willing, greedy, self-absorbed, lazy compliance) often perceive those with MAJOR egocentric personality disorders as being “charismatic”.

      Thus, we have The Ø! and his ilk populating and polluting the body politic with their deadly, toxic B.S.

      “In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

      BTW, I think Peck’s subtitle “The Hope for Healing Human Evil,” is over-the-top optimistic… In my experience, the optimal “Hope for Healing Human Evil” is that the evil person will go to their eternal reward as soon as God will allow.

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