Obama’s Pet Gerbil

The Ø! has a powerful deterrent against those who might seek legal means to depose his unconstitutional reign. This is what we’d get if The Ø! were removed from office:

Now, doesn’t that send chills of outright dread down your spine? A politician with the intelligence of a brain damaged gerbil and the ethics of a rabid squirrel in the oval office. A chilling prospect.

6 Replies to “Obama’s Pet Gerbil”

  1. Bwahahah! I love that picture. Such a smirking, smarmy weasel. I wish they’d turn him loose on more talk shows. We need more Biden soundbites of dumb to lighten things up.

    1. TF, I’ve referred to our wonderful “feddle gummint” as a kakistocracy before. Perhaps I should instead refer to it as a “crapistocracy”. If Steve jobs ever does want to sell iTurds, he need not look to China to assemble them. He could instead just save everything that issues from D.C. and simply rebrand and repackage it for his Macultists to purchase.

    1. Now you’re talking, Nicole. Used car salesmen are juuuust smart enough to con the average enstupiated sheeple but too stupid to see that their own long-term self interests are hurt by “used car salesman tactics”. That’s about Cwazy Uncle Joe’s speed. IOW, one or two more active brain cells than a head of cabbage, which puts him three or four active brain cells ahead of anyone who’d vote for him.

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