Shred Before Flushing…

…Newsweak, that is
Cao’s Blog has all the poop on how to dump Newsweak. Read it and rage on.
I’ve never been a subscriber to Newsweak. Once, nearly 40 years ago, I had a “student” subscription to Time (“The Weekly Fiction Magazine”), but that was for a class. If I did have a subscription to Newsweak, I would definitely shred it before flushing. heh
As it is… hmmm… I do get snailmail inviting me to “re-subscribe” to Newsweak (riiiiight–“resubscribe” when I’ve never had a subscription.  Desperate measures or just more typical disingenuity?).  I really ought to type up a form letter informing the marketers of my displeasure with Newsweak, print off copies to have on hand and send it (and nothing else) back in the subscription envelope… I’ll have to look into that.  Seems I recall something about bar-coding on such envelopes for tracking purposes.  Have to see what I can do to retaliate if they misuse that.
Meanwhile, go on over to Cao’s Blog and get going on the “Flush Newsweek” [sic] (heh) campaign.  Even if you’re not a subscriber, there’s a poll being taken to get feedback at one of the linkson how folks feel about Newsweak.

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