Watch it: it’s that damned global warming, again!

Yeh, you can bet the moonbats’ll be all over this
Sea levels not rising fast enough for enviro-loons.

“Increased snowfall over a large area of Antarctica is thickening the ice sheet and slowing the rise in sea level caused by melting ice.”–, May 19, 2005

Yep.  But, the ice caps are melting at an alarming rates, according to moonbat enviro-loon religious doctrine.
Oh, and this just in.  Chicken Little says many are reporting that the sky is falling.  Filmateleven.
(Cluebat: the Great Divorce of the 21st century is not a left/right divide but a clear demarcation between the Fantasists and the Empiricists. Note: I did not include a link to the Empiricists, because they aren’t an organized group like the Fantasists.)

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