Cardio-non-blogging today

Today’s the day…
[posing this early, but dating it tomorrow]
UPDATE: Procedure went well. Time in cardio recovery unit extended a bit, cos they gave her a larger dose of “happy juice.”  Still, home 2night.  Feeling well, back tomorrow for followup, then another in next 10 days or so.
Anyone have suggestions for selling a used pacemaker/defibrillator?  :-)  Ebay?  *VBG*
[UPDATED ABOVE] And while I can say it is good to know that Wonder Woman’s heart is operating at “better than normal” capacity, now, and that her last three stress tests have come back “clean, cleaner and cleanest,” it’s still always a tad stressful to tender her to the care of others for a surgical procedure, even if it is a simple “pull the device and cap the leads” procedure under a local anesthetic…
(There.  Was that sentence long enough to bump my Gunning Fog Index to the next level?)
Scheduled for 8:00; only want her there a half-hour before the procedure. She’ll be under observation for a couple of hours afterward and we’ll likely be back (with her having an opportunity for some rest) by noon-thirty.
I’ll be a wreck.
So it goes…

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