Not exactly another Blogosphere Meme Poolâ„¢ creation

[UPDATE: see here for the latest on this not-a-meme]
Nah.  Call it a “pseudo-creative writing assignment” if you want
You meet the most… interesting folks in waiting rooms.  Or not.  But yesterday, in the cardiologist’s waiting room, I sure did meet some folks who had tales to tell.  From memories of the Korean War (complete with graphic descriptions of Pork Chop Hill) to other, tamer recollections. One not-so-tame, but less dramatic story involved a “waiter’s” (you know, one of that group who’s waiting for their spouse/friend/neighbor to finish some strenuous test/procedure) tale of his sister-in-law who went to the bathroom and lifted the toilet lid in preparation for an important function.  Luckily (for the storyteller as well as his sister-in-law), she happened to look into the toilet bowl before proceeding and saw… a squirrel.
(Pause for a moment while the image sinks in.  Load your copy of Ray Stevens’ “Mississippi Squirrel Revival” then proceed to the rest of the post.)
So, a little help here.  Any takers on using “squirrel in a toilet bowl” in a post?
Bou? (Surely your boys have had a squirrel adventure! 🙂
George? (Consider it a news break with possibilities along the lines of “Costello buys a computer.” 🙂
Kris? (Think: house hunting. heh )
Harvey? (Oh, the delicious dread contemplating what might come from THAT Bad Example… *ouch*)
Dan? (Breaking News! 🙂
No rules about tagging or contents or format.  This is NOT a Blogosphere Meme Poolâ„¢thing like the stinky punchbowl meme or even the Blogmothers Dayâ„¢ or Blogfathers Dayâ„¢ mini-memes.  This is just a “what if” kinda thing.  What if… someone posted a “squirrel in the toilet bowl” recipe to recipe.carnival (at) gmail (d-o-t) c-o-m (*shhhh* don’t say that so loudly! Someone would)?  What if… some engineer who had a rodent problem with her car contemplated engineering solutions to a squirrel in a toilet bowl (“Here: I have a very fine scientific calculator which I will give you to remove the squirrel from my toilet bowl.”)?  What if, some talented musician played and sang a lullaby to the sweet squirrel in the toilet bowl (while hubby sneaked up on it with a bludgeon)?  (See update, below) What if some irrascible old goat looked at said squirrel and simply warned, “You try collecting these nuts and you’re history!”? Or What if some intrepid reporter uncovered the hidden connection between Hillary Clinton, Kofi Anan and the squirrel in the toilet bowl?
What if…
That’s all.  No meme, just a wee “what if.”
Just what if?
(Yes, I have an offering percolating, but I’ll post it later.)
Update: Well, Kris has had one real-world “squirrel-in-the-house” adventure and apparently wants a bye on contemplating one in her toilet bowl.  I can understand that, but with a response like this, I couldn’t help but wonder how much fun a “squirrel in the toilet bowl” submission from her might be…
“When I opened the door, the squirrel (up on a shelf) panicked and leaped out toward me into the kitchen behind me. He bounced off a cabinet and unceremoniously landed on the floor, where, sprawling and scrambling, he began to run back toward the door to the basement. I’m not the kind of person who gets freaked out by this sort of nonsense, however — I just lifted my foot (clad in a nice heavy shoe) and brought it down on top of him before he could reach the doorway. No way was that thing getting away from me… I took the Daisy off safety and did away with him on the kitchen floor, under my foot.”
Yeh.  Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!  Now, if she’d just cornered it in the toilet bowl…

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