Drive by posting: Oh! the humanity of it all!

Evolution just ain’t what it’s cracked up to be…
Slithery Reptile last week and Adorable Rodent this week.  I am not pleased.  I do NOT want to be an Adorable Rodent! If anything, I want to be a Wascally Wabbit!  What is wrong with this Ecosystem?!?
[Updated: Well, I guess N.Z. Bear heard my plea.  I’ve slid back down the evolutionary ladder to Flappy Bird.  MUCH better than being an Adorable anything. When someone looks at me, if they see “adorable” instead of ROUS (gratuitous Princess Bride reference) or thinking “That’s one mean rodent” (Gratuitous Monty Python “Search for the Holy Grail” reference) then I’ve failed in one of my life’s goals.
[Updated yet again: the silly N.S. Bear ecosystem has bumped me back to the place where the script says “I’m a [sic] Adorable Rodent… ” Blech. Labeling me “adorable” and then the error with the article… Well, those who know me will just have to think of me as “One mean R(OUS),” and go on their merry way.

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