Paper Plate Breakfast

This is a drive-by post, cos today’s scheduled up.

Breakfast today: toaster oven pizza served up on a “paper plate” quickly manufactured with 9 staples and the box the pizza-like “food” came in. Could have done w/o the staples, but at least this way it was sturdy. and eminently tossable.

Well, at least it was semi-tasty and filling. And fast.

6 Replies to “Paper Plate Breakfast”

  1. Gosh, that sounds like something from a bad movie, one of those Bruce Willis torn t-shirt action movies.

    I, on the other hand, am looking forward to a crock pot slow cooked spaghetti dinner that Lucy has for us later on.

    1. Hmmm, RY, that actually sounds like a pretty good bf (as long as it wasn’t walnut coffee).

      TF, at least it wasn’t nuked. (Nuked breakfasts are almost universally awful, IMO)

  2. Absolutely not walnut coffee. My side of the mountain serves 100% kona from the Redbird plantation (google it, or I’ll post a link tomorrow – it’s time I did a promo on them again and I need a Thursday post anyway). Occasionally, I splurge and grab a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain from one of the farms that sells it, but generally speaking I like Kona better, in terms of flavor and price.

    And lest anyone complain about my “extravagant tastes” – a pound of kona, with shipping, still costs about the same as three Starbuck lattes. And when you have a six-cup-a-day preference (“habit” is such a dirty word) like I do, you learn not to drink the crappy stuff.

  3. RY,

    I couldn’t even manage to choke down two cups of the crappy stuff. For most of my adult life I thought that I didn’t like coffee – and then my wife made some for me.

    Real, fresh coffee, with fresh ground beans, changed my mind about the fruit of the “blessed holy caffiene tree” that David wrote his song about.

    As for Starbucks’ lattes… why drink burnt coffee? Especially when it’s cheaper to press it yourself and you don’t need burnt beans to give it flavor.

    1. Ahhh, two guys who know the blessings of The Holy Brew (#1 :-)). Sipping some fav blend, freshly-ground, if not freshly-roasted *sigh*, brewed with clean water in a clean pot is “good enough” for me right now. Nice, mildly astringent with the sweet high flowery notes… and raising my IQ by approx. 3 points/cup. What more could I ask, here in America’s Third World County?

      BTW, Perri, your “couldn’t choke down two cups of the crappy stuff” reminded me of how I “broke” my dad’s cigar habit. I had quit smoking one day (yeh, it was: now I smoke–cigars/pipes–now I don’t), but I had a stash of pipes, tobacco and a box of Macanudos. Gave it all to my dad. He smoked up the stash of Macanudos and then went back to his fake tobacco leaf wrapped dung (whatever the brand–White Owls or some such?), because he priced out the cigars I’d given him and couldn’t see buying any at that price. Well, he tried to go back to the crap he’d been smoking but could no longer stomach them, so he just gave up cigars entirely.

      Shortly after that, he ran out of the loose fill I had for pipes and tried to go back to his “whatever-in-a-can” stuff. Same deal.

      He still has what was once my pipe collection, though. A couple of nice Rhinos in there that fill the hand nicely, but I don’t even have a desire to have the pipe collection as a legacy from him, now.

      Funny. For years, a pipe and a cuppa coffee went hand in hand with me. Now, I enjoy the coffee more and don’t really miss the pipe.

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