Sentimental Condiments

When I saw this, really saw it, I knew…

Sentimental Condiments 
First, let me state the conditions under which I post this (deliberately non-attributed) pic. I cannot reveal where I got it or whose fridge door this is a pic of. 
You know, when I saw what appears to be a jar full of pickled beets in the upper right hand corner of this pic, I wondered… “How long has that been there?  And who really eats those things, anyway?”

Now the question: how many of us, if we were to be honest with ourselves, at least, have fridges full of “sentimental food remains”?  You know what I mean.  The Miracle Whip that’s of indeterminate age, but which remains in the fridge door because, well, we’ve grown strangely attached to it… That kind of thing. 
This is just a passing pickle pondering.  Any takers?  What “sentimental condiments” are clogging your fridge door?

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