Global Warming? Blame it on cleaner air.

If (and it’s not yet been scientifically demonstrated) Global Warming freaks are right and we are heading for the furnace, they can thank the clean air freaks
Yep.  As anyone with more than two active brain cells knows, the “global warming” hypothesis is as yet not really tested. (The link is to comments of but one of many, many folks who just want some genuine research on the topic. See a few more here. Just a few of thousands such. See here and here and here for a couple of smart folks’ comments, even if one is a congresscritter. :-) The “studies” that support the hypothesis so far are about 90% propoganda with about 10% scientific gobbledegook thrown in (including in both percentages the numbers of complete fakes).
But this seems to indicate that if global warming is a genuine issue, then it may well be due to cleaner air allowing more sunlight to reach the ground.
“…a downward trend in the amount of sunlight reaching the surface, which has been observed since measurements began in the late 1950s, is now over.
“The researchers argue that this trend, commonly called ‘global dimming’, reversed more than a decade ago, probably following the collapse of communist economies and the consequent decrease in industrial pollutants.”
And that, the article asserts, could be a problem.
Talk about the law of unintended consequences…

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