8 Replies to “From twc, April 1, 2008”

  1. Thank God that I understand sarcasm, and can read and understand everything you linked to. The problem though, as I see it, is that the majority of people on the left, and even some that claim to be on the right, would ignore every one of those links except the last one and conclude that all is right in our political system.

    So many people actually believe in the cult of anthropogenic global warming that to them the Democratic party is right and the rest of this is irrelevant. And then there are a few on the right that even confronted with the facts in the other links simply can’t accept the idea that the masses aren’t nearly as smart as they’d like to think they are.

    Our education system is doing the job that those in control of it have intended. It’s too bad that that’s not the job that it really should be doing.

    1. Perri, I have come to the conclusion that I simply cannot reach people who cannot understand plain speech using easily-accessible vocabulary. (I rarely write anything that includes vocabulary beyond what was an eighth grade level “back in the day” *heh*–which means, of course, that what I write IS inaccessible to a majority of today’s graduates of Ivy league colleges.) And people who are unwilling to click links and follow even that much of someone else doing their homework for them aren’t worth trying to reach.

      But hey! That’s me.

  2. What I wouldn’t give to make it true. Can you imagine?

    Perhaps we conservatives can make it true by becoming the new pilgrims and colonizing some underpopulated part of the globe and carving out a new land for ourselves.

    I see no way short of bloody revolution to fix what’s wrong here on this soil.

    1. Well, Antarctica is wide open, Woody… Apart from there, how about the wasteland of D.C. I mean, if it were depopulated… by some natural means, you know, not by “hostile action”. (Disclaimer added for the Janet Napolitano Goon Squad *sigh*)

  3. So I was in the doc’s office the other day and got in a conversation with this guy who informed me the whole problem with the US today is the dumbing down of America via the school system- Hmmmm I doubt YOU would have any thoughts on that matter David. LMAO!

    1. Well, Diane, I believe even someone as level headed as Jerry Pournelle has said that the pubschool system we have couldn’t be better designed to achieve that if it actually WERE designed to achieve that. The old saw attributed to Napoleon, that it is better to attribute an action to stupidity than to malice, might still apply, but it’s getting harder and harder to do so. Of course, it’s not just the schools. Parents letting kids lobotomize themselves on junk entertainment is in the mix, as well. And I watched a video recently of Russell Blaylock (some “internet doctor” *heh*) talking about “neuro-exciters” in a lot of pre-prepared “lazy people’s” food that people unwittingly use to kill brain cells. And I’m sure there are more things going into the mix as well. But prisons for kids (A.K.A. “public schools”) are certainly one of the biggest elements in the dumbing of America. See here.

  4. I was thinking more of New Zealand David. Not that many folks there… we should be able to displace them pretty easily, and it’s almost directly opposite the globe from Washington DC! Can’t get much farther away from Michelle Obama than that.

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