Geek Rating

I dunno about this… (I still have a shadow of a memory of how “geeking” got started: a geek in a carnival was someone who bit the heads off chickens or some other such gross deed. heh)

Your Geek Profile:

Academic Geekiness: Highest
Internet Geekiness: High
General Geekiness: Moderate
Fashion Geekiness: Low
Geekiness in Love: Low
Movie Geekiness: Low
Music Geekiness: Low
SciFi Geekiness: Low
Gamer Geekiness: None

The only assessment I have any real quarrel with is the sci-fi geekiness question. My collection of sci-fi books was once above 1,000, and I often “read ahead” (works in progress) of publication books by fav sci-fi authors, correspond with sci-fi authors, buy their books as eBooks before print publication, etc.

The multiple choice offered by the quiz was weighted toward the stupid end of sci-fi, though, so naturally it’d catch only Trekkies or others of their ilk. Trekkers included. The whole Star Trek thing is dumbed-down Buck Rogers—the 1970s “abysmally stupid” Buck Rogers TV series, not the 1930s Buck Rogers or even the 1950s TV series… Both beat the ’70s  Buck Rogers and Star Trek hands down for intelligent content.  And if that isn’t daming with faint praise, I dunno what is, cos the earlier Buck Rogers shows/movies/characters were dumber than rocks. OTOH, the 70s Buck at least had a hot Erin Gray and Twiki, played by Felix Silla… Turn the sound off until Twiki comes in.  Watch Erin Gray for the pure eye candy aspect, and it’s bearable.  Can’t say anything similar about the Star Trek franchise.
whew— Well, I certainly feel better.  LOL
Can’t quarrel with the music geekiness assessment, because there’s absolutely nothing I have in common with the criteria the test-writer uses to assess it.  IOW, I like music. heh.
Internet geekiness only “High”?  Didn’t give enough options. heh
Academic geekiness… ::sigh:: what can I say?  I am educated far beyond my intelligence. And what I lack in paper training I more than make up for in autodidacticism. And then there’s my honorary degree in Bovine Scatology.  My PhDBS…

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