Global Warming… Notsomuch

It’s a nice Fall day on September 3rd here in America’s Third World County.

*huh*? Fall? Doesn’t that come later? (Yeh, September 22/23 [Astronomical] or September 30 [Meteorological])

Well, the sycamore stands in our back yard seem to think so as they are shedding leaves. The 60-something degree temps outside seem to agree, and since the weather forecast is for cool weather and rain for the next week, I guess I might be forgiven for thinking it’s an early Fall, even though Persephone might not yet be packing her bags for her annual trip to Hades quite yet.

I do kinda hope this doesn’t mean we’ll be in for another ice storm like we had in January of ’07, even though that was the result of a cold snap that also flew in the face of the doctrines of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming/Changism.

Oh, well. A couple of weeks without power weren’t all that bad, really. Dig out the ole campstove, candles and flashlights and LOTS of sleep if it happens again. 🙂 Still, even if it does, perhaps the power company’s learned its lesson. I do see that power lines are much freer of overhanging branches than they were in ’07… (‘Cos even the electric company doesn’t think the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming/Changism is full of anything but pure B.S.)

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