Who NOT to Buy From

Today, I had it verified: never attempt to purchase ANYTHING from ToshibaDirect, not ever again. Avoid otherwise fine Toshiba products simply in order to avoid dealing with Toshiba. Lesson learned.

That’s the short of it.The longer story is, to me, a compelling argument for an exponential coefficient of stupidity, laziness, arrogance and dishonesty as essential to large-scale consumer relations.

On April 15, Son&Heir placed an order for a Toshiba Qosmio gaming laptop with ToshibaDirect. He recieved an email projecting two to four weeks for delivery. All well and good. The next day, I received a call attempting to verify the shipping (physical) address on the order because Toshiba could find no such address. I pointed out that the phone number on the order corresponded to my listed phone number and that I was at the physical address listed–and address ToshibaDirect had already made numerous deliveries to, one for an amount equal to the more than $2K his order amounted to. Not only that, but his order had been placed with a debit card and 1. his bank required a specific time frame to raise the daily limit on his debit card (as do most banks, including the one we have our checking account in) and 2. his bank has his physical address as an address of record as well.

Nevertheless, it was represented that all was well… except the purchase did not go through within the time frame his bank had his limit raised for. Hmmm, since they required him to request the limit raise in person, that meant that if it did–finally–come back in stock, he would… more than likely be at work and unable to travel to the nearest branch office to effect the authorization, and besides, ToshibaDirect wouldn’t notify him before attempting to put the charge through, just attempt it, fail and put up a “Pending Authorization” notice on the web page for order inquiries (as I discovered later).

Not good. OK, so he wrote me a check for the amount, I deposited it in my checking account and personally authorized the raising of the “daily purchase” limit on my debit card (I no longer use regular credit cards–they are strictly for emergencies in our household) for a a business week plus two (businessdays.

Called ToshibaDirect and attempted to substitute MY debit card for his on the order. No go. My debit card was associated with another account already on record at ToshibaDirect–along with my physical address–so we were informed that HIS order had to be canceled and my card number attached to a new order. OK, if that’s the way it had to be, fine. Now, remember: the card I used was already associated with an existing account with ToshibaDirect–one that the company had shipped product to in the past. Order placed and I was assured that according to ToshibaDirect’s warehouse and inventory information that the product would be charged and shipped no later than May 1. Good enough.

A bit later (about an hour), I had received order confirmation via email. Checked the order confirmation page the next day and it showed “Credit Card Confirmation Pending”. “OK,” thought I, “that’s not all that informative, but of course they’ve not charged it yet and won’t until it’s shipped, so perhaps that’s what that means.

A week passed after placing the NEW order and no status change, so I thought it best to call. Nope. That’s not what it meant. Now, mind you, I’d received no calls and no emails after the order confirmation–and I know I hadn’t because I’d received 25 messages on the answering machine attached to the line ToshibaDirect had to contact me, and I’d checked both my own email archives and the email archived on the server for any further messages. Nevertheless, when I called to check, I was told that the “customer service representative” I had last talked to had attempted to contact me several times over a three day period.

A patent lie.

And what had he (NOT) attemopted to contact me about? Verifying my physical address! An address he had already verified from previous orders sent to this address that had been associated with the account my debit card was associated with!

From that point, it took me an hour and a half to get anyone to re-verify what had already been verified by simply looking at the address associated in the past with the same debit card and ToshibaDirect account.

Then I was assured that the product would ship and be received this week. Checked the order verification page a few minutes later and under each of the products (notebook, spare battery, surge suppressor, etc.) the status showed “Shipped”. Antsy, since I had received no email detailing the same, about an hour later I refreshed the page and the status had changed to “Product Shipping Status to Follow”. ?!? From “Shipped” to “Product Shipping Status to Follow”? Not right. Since by that time, it was past TD’s business hours, I thought to meself, “Call tomorrow.”

Called. Nope. Not shipped. All the units that were reported by the TD “supervisor” who corrected TD’s address verification snafu had shipped… to other customers.

I was then assured that there was an additional inventory that would be available for shipping today and that the “supervisor” would call me by 2:00 Pacific time to inform me as to the status of the order.

2:00 Pacific time came and went and NO call. The guy lied. So, I called again and, “No, that will be available on the 15th.”

And I’m supposed to believe that and keep the ceiling raised on my debit card for another two weeks? And then be told another story? And another?

Nope. Never do business with Toshiba again. Never. (Remember, this is from the guy who said when CBS did NOTHING to Dan Rather for his scurrilous lies that he’d never tune in See B.S. again for ANYTHING… and has not, and who still wears one of his four Rathergate t-shirts at least once a week…)

That’s the condensed version of the long version. *heh* (BTW, the “supervisor” was not happy to get an email from me reiterating my contact information and reminding him he said he’d call. Perhaps that’s why he stupidly made himself a liar. Yeh, he hadn’t given me his email address. I tracked him down.)

2 Replies to “Who NOT to Buy From”

  1. Trying to purchase something from Target on-line produces a similar experience when working with their delivery questions; almost like they don’t want to explain how much delivery will be until you commit to a purchase first.

    1. Oh, this experience got even worse. After a couple of weeks of “customer service reps” explaining over and over that TD could NOT and would NOT put the charge through until the product was ready to ship, and hearing on Friday both the same thing from a so-called AND that the product MIGHT be available on the 15th (when it was, according to the same supervisor DEFINITELY shipping last Thursday–then wasn’t), TD put the charge through to my bank RIGHT at the end of the close of business day.

      So, I called back to discover the shipping status. Nope. It still MIGHT be available on the 15th. “But you put the charge through although EVERY SINGLE REP has repeatedly told me TD would not and could not until the product was ready to ship!”

      Just another convenient lie.

      So, trip on down to the bank and check personally (nice bank: lobby open through lunch on Saturdays). Nope. Now, TD must send a fax to the bank’s bookkeeping department–on TD letterhead–saying the order’s been canceled and TD WILL NOT complete the transaction. Got fax number and formula bank expects for the fax and tripped on back to phone TD–same “supervisor”? No. Weekend. Call diverted to a Mountain Timezone call center, instead of the Pacific Timezone primary call center (that last is significant). Submitted the info and extracted a pledge that the fax would be sent at the start of business day on Monday.

      Called back at 10:17 Central time. After I GOT IT THROUGH THE THICK SKULL of the “customer service rep” that I was simply checking on the TIME the fax had been sent, and that it contained the proper wording and on TD letterhead and to the correct fax number, I was told, “That fax was sent 15 minutes ago.” By this time, it was 10:22 Central Time (8:22 Pacific Time–and yes I verified that I was talking to a PT call center worker).

      Called the bank’s bookkeeping department. They could find no such fax, but promised to keep their eyes out and call me back. 10:50 CT (8:50 PT) the bank called back. Just received the fax. Which was sent, according to the timestamp, at 8:49.

      Yep, even on so simple a thing as WHEN TD sent the fax, they lied. Flat. Out. Lied. Big difference from “15 minutes ago” (8:22 PT-00:15=8:07) and 8:49PT. About 42 minutes difference. Just long enough for the call center weenie’s note that I said, “OK, if it’s not there, my next call will be to my state’s attorney general,” to percolate up through the food chain and cause someone to think, “Oh, probably shouldn’t have logged that I’d sent that fax when I had not… “

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