Grading The One

The libtards at MSNBC must be in a tizzy. The results so far on their poll asking folks to grade The One’s performance to date aren’t turning out so well for their Anointed One:


Go. Contribute to The Grading of The One

h.t. to The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Investorblogger Dot Com, Political Byline, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

5 Replies to “Grading The One”

  1. HaH. Been there, done that. I was shocked to see that I was not the only one that voted F. 😉

    How are you today? I’m well. Still working at cleaning up my site. Too bad people can’t see all the work we do behind the scenes…lol

  2. What else could we give the guy but an F? He’s done exactly opposite of everything he had said he would do in his campaign. He has the least transparent administration that I’ve seen. I love the outcome of their poll!

    1. Well, Barb, he did promise massive new energy taxes (although that was mostly buried by the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind) and he is attempting to make that happen. Ditto on nationalizing health care. He’s just not had time to make as much “progress” on those two fronts as the nutroots would like. Other than that, his MOR campaign promises have turned out to be lies, one and all, and he’s seeking to govern somewhere to the left of Karl Marx (as the soviets, Mao and Castro demonstrate, Gitmo is no real problem to a statist of any kind; adventurous military campaigns as sops for the masses [the Afganistan “surge”] are also in line with other commie statists, etc.).

      As to performance in areas of critical need (“It’s the economy, stupid”), he’s done all the wrong things with exceptional vigor… which is why, I suppose, he’s been “too tired” to deal with allies.

      But then, this is the first time in his life he’s had to really DO anything but buff his resume for another candystick job or a run for office. He’s still running for office, now, cos that’s all he really knows how to do.

  3. Someone at MSNBC (no doubt) apparently noticed that their idol was getting a drubbing on their own poll and rounded up the troops. A couple of days pass and… now he’s got a 50% “A” rating and only 30% or so “F” rating. The Obamabots are clearing their cache files and really going for Chicago voting on this one, no doubts at all, at all…

  4. Oh well. Did ya think they would allow anything else? That is why I was shocked. Not because everyone voted that way, but that the media would allow it to stay up there. lol. Have a nice day.

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