Fun with stats

Another undeserved ranking

For the life of me, I do not believe I’ll ever figure google out… The other day, I quoted Jerry Pournelle writing about the Schiavo case,

“… As it is, she has no one to defend her but some people who actually believe in law and justice and are not raising a rebellion in her aid.

Esmerelda had her beggars as defenders. But she was hanged quickly even so. Along with her goat.”

Checking my stats, I saw that someone had googled “Esmerelda goat hanged” and my post quoting Dr. Pournelle was listed fourth… pages before the post at Chaos Manor Musings I gleaned the quote from.

Thanks for the (one) hit, google, but really, now: wouldn’t Pournelle’s original comment have been a better reference than my quote of him?

Yeh, I know it probably has to do with me linking back to his comment and others linking to my comment, etc., but still.

Thanks for all the fish.

(My hold on both the #1 and #2 google spots for both “I hate Intuit” and “hate Intuit” makes sense though. *heh*)

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