4 Replies to “You’re Just Not Trying Hard Enough”

  1. ….the quote at the top is good. Everything else borders on paranoid medieval thinking.

    I love how anything but ‘right wing’ is deemed evil in America.

    There’s a reason why the rest of the world is more ethically, morally and socially advanced – we’re not ruled by Christian right-wing lobbies. We learnt to think a long time ago.

    1. @d0od–You are indeed labeled correctly, although your eponym, on second thought, actually slanders brainless surfer dudes.

      “There’s a reason why the rest of the world is more ethically, morally and socially advanced… ”

      Riiiight–Islamic “honor killings” excused in Britainistan because of “more ethically, morally and socially advanced” cultural sensitivity. Heck, “rest of the world”? Islam continues to honor The Butcher of Medina by engaging in chattel slavery, mass murder, mutilation and brutal subjugation of women, and more and the EU bends over and asks for more Islamic “culture” up its collective a$$.* Real advanced. Not. Need I extend the examples of how UNadvanced your view is, “ethically, morally and socially”? The question answers itself, of course.

      And your asinine, “paranoid medieval [sic] thinking” comment? Do you even know anything about Medieval history? Obviously not. Heck, you probably even think the Crusades were “Christian aggression” you historically illiterate boob.

      And, “We learnt [sic] to think a long time ago”? 1. Yes, I know some reactionary subliterates still use “learnt” (a fraction of the 10% of total English speaking population confined to what was once an English nation but now is fast becoming Britainistan) but when used in a sentence touting your ability to think, it’s hilarious. 2. WHAT you “learnt” (hilarious!) to think is what’s significant: you “learnt” to (pseudo)think nothing but what your herd mates “think”–which is as James Burnham so succinctly labeled in summing up your mindset:

      “Liberalism is a cry for the supremacy of general good intentions over the practical application of common sense.”

      Or, even more telling given your Britanistan locale,

      “Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western civilization as it commits suicide.”

      Why not exercise some critical thought (provided you have the faculties to do so) and read some Burnham, or even better, Ortega y Gasset’s “Revolt of the Masses”?

      Nah, don’t bother your “po’ widdle head” with actual, you know, thinking. Just keep on bleating, sheeple.

      And, returning to your “Everything else borders on paranoid medieval [sic] thinking,” comment, there are two ways to take that, well, apart from the “paranoid” slander of Medieval thought. If you had given any indication whatsoever that you had any inkling of the complexity and depth of Medieval thought (read any Aquinas recently, dolt? Thomas a Kempis? I thought not. Dunderhead.), I might have taken that as a compliment. But since you subliterately meant it as a slur, I’ll rejoin thusly: examples? Arguments? *crickets chirping* You give no examples, and you make no arguments. Your comment is worthy only of the rudest disdain.

      “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt [sic] of elderberries. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.”

      Oh, and, “I love how anything but ‘right wing’ is deemed evil in America”? What a maroon. You are completely unaware of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind/Policitally Correct culture in the US, aren’t you? When you have one scintilla of actual factual knowledge to speak from, a slowly-speaking tutor to help you through the rough spots of actually adding 2+2, and, come to think of it, a complete brain transplant implant (couldn’t be a transplant, because then it’d have to have something to supplant), then come right on back and make any kind of argument from fact and reasoning you want.

      *There are a few exceptions to the rule of “roll over for the savages” Euroweenies, but then Poland also saved Europe from the last major Islamic jihad on European soil… Where are Jan Sobieski and Charles Martel when you need ’em? Oh, that’s right. If either of them were alive today, they’d be crucified by Euroweenie the cultural diversity/political correctness/libtard need to commit cultural suicide.

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