Greed, Lies and Bluster: No “Hope and Change”

After perusing Bobby Jindal’s after SOU address, I went back and tried studying the Obamassiah’s peroration for genuine content. Hasn’t anyone told him he’s living in the White House now? Why’s he still giving a stump speech, trying to win the election? Oh. Right. That’s ALL he knows how to do: lie, bluster and appeal to greed in order to win elections. Actually DOING ANYTHING MEANINGFUL while in office is a concept that he’s so far not had to tackle. I suppose one could argue that bullying for something–anything!–to be done now, without thought or reflection, about the economy and then turning the idea over to his political cronies to stuff with pork and political patronage does constitute doing something, but something useful, something meaningful? I think not.

Once again, as far as actually serving in the office he’s been elected to, the Obamassiah is simply phoning in his part, rehashing his fav teleprompter-fed sound bytes.

Again, why is it that anyone thinks this guy’s an orator? Oh, yeh. Because he’s (sorta, kinda-almost) black (cafe-au-lait with a twist) and gets the affirmative action bye? I suppose one could always join with the optimistic young boy who, shoveling through a load of horse manure on Christmas Day, enthusiastically proclaimed, “With all this horse shit, there must be a pony in here somewhere!”

But with the Obamassiah’s record of non-accomplishment so far, I’m not willing to shovel too much more horse shit to find a pony buried (probably smothered, dead) at the bottom of the pile.

Red State has some useful links on the SOU bloviation. And the comments are worth reading as well. In fact, I’ll just steal one of the best:

E Pluribus Unum commented,

“For those unwilling to sacrifice an hour of their lives, I found a condensed version that I think captures the spirit entirely”

So, what’s the condensed version he posted?


One Reply to “Greed, Lies and Bluster: No “Hope and Change””

  1. Never saw that flick (shocka), but that made me laugh and I watched it twice. Poop butterflies! Ha ha ha. ROTFL. That’s some hope and change right there, that’s what that is.

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