Would you believe…

(said in my best Don Adams/Get Smart voice)… 15 minutes to set up an OS? Less, actually.

New VM: Ubuntu 9.04 alpha. Yeh, not even beta. Alpha. The finished product is due out in April, but I had to get a foretaste, so…

Ubuntu 8.10 host.

VMWare Server 2.

Ubuntu 9.04 client (VM).

After designating the hardware setup for the new client OS, less than 15 minutes to a working desktop. About what it took me for my last physical install of PCBSD.


Of course, it might have taken a tad longer had it had to actually sniff out my real hardware configs, but still.

Unfortunately, even though I chose the “alternate” (text) install process, the promised ext4 file system wasn’t an option, and it won’t appear as a default choice until 9.10 (in October 09).

Oh, well. Ext3 is still not bad at all, at all.


Well, so far, I don’t see a lot of difference from 8.10, but I suppose the differences will become apparent… or I’ll look up the changelog later. 😉

Works fine. Had 350+ “updates” waiting when desktop first booted but would not install all of them unless I first performed an “upgrade” using a subset of the waiting updates. No biggie. Just went on with other things in the host system. We’ll just have to see how things go.

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