‘When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong…”

“…he always claims it is his duty.”

“TSA stops troops from invading SFO Airport”

See: “Sigh”


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Does anyone with more than two working brain cells think that the purpose of the Thousands Standing Around (otherwise known as TSA) is anything other than a full employment effort for idiots, goons, poltroons, bullies and other recent typical products of our government schools? Surely no thinking person believes the TSA has anything serious to do with making air travel safer? (Unless—now here’s a thought!—the Thousands Standing Around are merely a huge distraction camoflaging some other real security effort. Nah. Fails the feeb government stupidity and mandatory mismanagement tests. But it was an intriguing thought… )

Oh, h.t. to Robbie Walker, posting at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor mail page.

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