2009 Resolution-Per-Day #3

Simplify, consolodate, update and rationalize my tech.

I’ve already begun his process. By having all my “reference copies” of Windows consolidated into one physical machine via virtual machines hosted in my Ubuntu Linux box, I’ve eased the clutter and made things simpler to some degree. But what else can I do?

1. Install other OSes I use/need to try out on USB flash drives as portable OSes.
2. Rationalize all my bookmarks, password files, etc. from my browsers and sync ’em up to all instances: physical machine, virtual machines and portable OSes, etc.
3. Set up a file server so that all my media, office documents, etc., are available from one central location; set up a secure VPN connection so I can access my files from offsite.
4. Make a rational schedule for my offsite backups (not satisfied with my current solution, such as it is)
5. Eliminate extra audio equipment (especially old turntable/old tape players-recorders) by converting all old LPs and audio cassetes to digital formats. (A turntable, couple of old amps, several cassette recorders, etc.)
6. Cut out DVD player, and other AV equipment via media server/HTPC setup.
7. Finish telco wiring with Cat6 and expand wired ethernet to few remaining rooms not yet wired.
8. Convet all wireless tech to 802.11n and all ethernet to gigabit.
9. Add wireless/internet surveillance cams (needed for when in basement/back room to catch deliveries, etc. Useful for other stuff too, of course)

I’ve considered more home automation beyond the couple of X-10 modules I have (and mostly do not use right now–mainly because I just have the two of them, frankly), but I’m not sure how much that would “simplify or consolodate” my life/household functions, although it would update and might rationalize some things (I ought to put those X-10 modules on the two lamps that are on timers, but... )

“These are a few of my tech to-do things… ” (Sung to “My Favorite Things”)

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