“Torn between two lovers… “

Aarrrrgggghhhhhhh!!! I gotta get my taxes done… but I wanna read more of this stuff!! (OK, one ‘lover’ is abusive… )

OK, now he’s done it. Just what I need: a way to waste some time that yields more laughs. Dan’s blogroll at Riehl World View has some of the most off-the-wall possibilities I’ve seen since Dave Barry (said) he hung up his hat on column-writing. For example, at Topic Drift, this gem:

kheuh urhgi 4rgibflkur ???

When people say “Physician, heal thyself,” I always start weeping uncontrollably, because what if the physician is walking around, minding his own business, when both of his arms fall off? He won’t be able to pick up his arms, much less heal himself. Someone is going to have to pick up his arms for him – and this helper won’t be able to hand the physician his arms, because the physician will have no arms to hold his arms in his arms. That’s what I’m talking about.

Check out Topic Drift (courtesy of Dan’s blogroll @ Riehl World View Yeh, just do it. You have time to burn. Rub my nose in it. Go ahead. *sigh*

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