I Hate Intuit

Nah, hate’s too mild a word…

I hate doing my taxes. I also hate paying someone else to do them (a function of my Tightwad Philosphy of Lifeâ„¢). My compromise, for the last 12 years, has been to use relatively inexpensive computer software to make a compromise between these two in-tension feelings.

When Parsons sold out to Intuit, it wasn’t too bad. I could still import my Parsons material from th previous year into Turbotax.

Even when Intuit decided one year to install some really malicious spyware (crippled, totally crippled my CD burner on the machine I had Turbotax on. had to scrub the machine and re-install Windows to get my full-functionality back on the burner), I managed to grit my teeth and bear it, because at least doing my taxes was pretty darned easy.

but this year… Familiar with Kim du Toit’s “RCOB” (red curtain of blood) expression? THIS year, Turbotax found and imported by previous year’s Turbotax file all right.

And recognized absolutely NO usable data!

Scrub that. Try a backup file (of which I had four, on different hard drives and CDs).

Same thing.


Oh. You have NO IDEA how enraged I am with Intuit. No. Earthy. Idea. Were I still in my 2003 clinically obese body, I probably would have stroked out… seriously. You have no idea how much I now HATE Intuit. With. A. Passion. One that I dare not give vent to, because



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