Just an Observation

“News” the last couple of days about “McCain aides” anonymously “smearing” Sarah Palin? Keep in mind: this is Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind claims that anonymous McCain aides are smearing Palin. With no direct attribution, all we have is some pseudoreporter pods of the Hivemind making unsupported claims designed to stir up trouble in a camp opposed to Hivemind views. You trust these Hivemind pseudoreporter pods any more now than during all its lies, half truths and coverups for Obama during the campaign?

Where did you leave your brains, people? Wait for something that approaches a credible report before jumping on this. Hivemind pseudoreports have NO credibility. As in a big zero with the rim kicked off. Wake up and sniff out the bullshit, OK? There could be some truth to these pseudoreports, but so far, all we have is Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind fakery, lies, and bullshit to back them up. Wait for some verifiable facts.

Let me repeat: so far, all we have is Mass Media Podpeople claiming that “anonymous McCain aides” have said some nasty things about Palin. *feh* That doesn’t even qualify as juicy gossip.

IF we ever have credible, verifiable reports of actual McCain staffers making remarks such as have been pseudoreported by Mass Media Podpeople, THEN it’d be time to get out the tar and feathers, but until then, ask yourself, who benefits from this lil tempest in a teacup?

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Woman Honor Thyself, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “Just an Observation”

  1. I heard the spokesman for the McCain campaign say this was definitely not true. I wonder where Carl Cameron got his information. I hate when they give reports from anonymous people. They are too cowardly to use their name, if it is true. But I highly doubt it being true, anyway. They are just trying to smear her name. .

  2. There is a fear that Sarah Palin will become a force in GOP politics. I submit she already is. We can at least be thankful Tina Fey is retiring her Palin impression. But the next time Sarah hits the campaign trail that may change.

    The left is afraid of her. Some on the right do not understand her or were not ready for confrontation with the opposition this year.

    Sarah Palin will survive and be stronger the next time…. and there will be one.

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