The Road Ahead, 2.1

Note, the 2.X volume of The Road Ahead will briefly touch on the politics of idiots, and what we can do to provide remedial education for such self-handicapped voters.

The schizo voter:

Even as black voters overwhelmingly backed Barack Obama — a homosexual-rights supporter — in the presidential race, about seven in 10 of them voted against same-sex marriage, compared with about half of white voters.

Denise Fernandez, a 57-year-old black woman from Sacramento, said she voted for Obama and Proposition 8. “I believe a Christian is held accountable,” she said.

Let’s see, she–along with over 70% of blacks who voted for California’s Proposition 8 (marriage=heterosexual, monogamous union)–saw no problem with asserting that “I believe a Christian is held accountable,” was a valid reason to vote for Prop 8, but voting for a man for the presidency who is an ardent supporter of Black genocide is completely disconnected from accountability because… he’s supposedly “Black”?

WTF?!? “Black genocide”?!? Yep. Aborted babies are disproportionately “Afro-American” babies. Black women are only about 17% of the oopulation, but abortions of Black babies runs at about 35% of abortions. Obama supports open season on babies in utero, therefore he supports killing off Black babies at twice the rate of Whites. Heck, this doesn’t even fit well with his “blame Whitey for everything” past, but there you are.

How to reach people with such a disconnect?

Well, for one thing, we can’t tell them to their faces that they are racist idiots, though they are. What we can do is constantly, unremittantly, without ceasing (what I say three times I really, really, really mean :-)) shine the light of truth upon what The Triumvirate of Greed and Envy says and does, because the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind won’t. In our every contact with others–especially The Others who hypocritically voted against their self-proclaimed “principles”–we must firmly press the truth into theiur hands, clearly funnel the truth into their ears and carefully point their eyes to revelations of the record and current behaviors of The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Triumvirate of Greed and Envy.

Without ceasing.

But. Couple such firm, continual truth feed with offers of genuine help–however small–in dealing with the woes brought about by The Triumvirate of Greed and Envy. Only by demonstrating a genuine concern (genuine concern offers genuine help) to individuals who are negatively impacted by their creepily hypocritical votes against conscience and even against their own UNenlightened self interest can we make genuine converts to the idea of genuinely voting ones principles.

It’d be a start.

Next up: what are genuine conservative principles… and genuine liberal principles? Given the state of current public discourse, Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind propaganda and Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakery “education” you might be surprised to find how close real liberals and real conservatives are.

One Reply to “The Road Ahead, 2.1”

  1. An excellent article. What about this observation:

    Those who voted for Obama have a greed mentality as you said. They voted for him en mass because they were caught up on the movement, but mostly because of what they think he is going to do for them.

    He’s going to provide for all their needs, pay their gas bill, take money from you and me to provide all those things.

    The fewer on the receiving end the better, in their minds. The fewer people the wealth will have to be redistributed to.

    What do you think?

    Oh wait, that is in complete opposition to the former welfare mentality, where mothers keep having babies so they can get more money from the government, and fathers (not husbands) stay away until the checks come.

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