Break Out the Black Arm Bands?

It seems my dystopian view of our society is warranted. I said,

“…since the vast lot of folks going to the polls today are exceedingly stupid, lazy and greedy sheeple who have cheerfully given their minds over to Academia Nut Fruitcakes to be lobotomized and souls over to the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind to be posessed, we may well see a super majority of socialist tyrants in Congress and a flat-out corrupt Chicago machine Marxist in the Oval office.”

And indeed, it appears that, despite a Dhimmicrappic controlled Congress with the lowest approval rating in my lifetime, Dhimmicrappic policies that directly led to the recent financial burnout and a presidential candidate that exit polls in critical “battleground” states indicated is NOT in agreement with the professed values of voters, exceedingly stupid, lazy and greedy sheeple have given nearly complete control of the federal reins of power to a bunch of socialists and outright Marxists to work their magic destruction powers upon American society.

Can America survive four years of such a combo? Yes. But can it survive and then regain its strength? Maybe not. No wonder so many of our “not-friends” among foreign powers have been so elated at the prospect of surrender monkeys throwing their wrenches in the works of the American engine.

Buy gold. Learn Polish. Stockpile food (until the commisars send troops to make you share your cookies with the grasshoppers). This can’t be good. No matter how much I appreciate being proven right about the outright stupidity and cupidity of the American sheeple, it’s a bitter pill to swallow just to realize that so very many fellow citizens are so utterly stupid and venal.

There is one ray of hope here, maybe two. Given the political situation to come in Washington, even with the cover of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind, it will be difficult to completely obscure the disasters that will ensue from the policies Obama and Pelosi and Reid have advocated, should they make any real attempt to implement them (and why would they not, given the successes of their lies to date?).

Oh, well. Life goes on. Until it sto

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16 Replies to “Break Out the Black Arm Bands?”

  1. Expect the following under the Obama regime:

    Much higher taxes.
    Double digit unemployment as a direct result of the higher taxes.
    A resurgence of Al Quaeda after Obama pulls the troops out of Iraq before true victory can be achieved.
    A resurgence of the Taliban for the same reasons in Afghanistan.
    The “fairness doctrine” to go into effect effectively cutting back the number of conservative talk and Christian stations. Expect “loopholes” to exempt liberal talk stations.
    All gay marriage prohibitions in states to be delcared unconstitutional even when the state makes it a part of their state constitution (like Florida did today).
    And many dark days ahead.

    IMHO our hope has to be that things get so bad so fast under an Obama regime that in two years during the next Congressional elections, a wave of true conservatives are elected creating an effective counter to Obama’s socialism. Then perhaps in 2012 the U.S. will elect a true conservative President (Sarah Palin? Fred Thompson? Some hereto unknown?).

  2. Oh yeah, and I imagine some sort of law will get passed to pretty much squash Americans’ free speech on the ‘net. Probably some sort of “fairness doctrine” for blogs and websites combined with web taxations.

  3. You are correct. The worst part about this election isn’t our guy losing, it’s realizing the kind of people we are sharing this coutry with.

    Economic downturn? Who cares? Obama’s gonna put gas in my car and pay my mortgage!

    Nuclear Iran and obliteration of Israel? Who cares? Obama’s gonna raise my bosses taxes and give me a $500 welfare check!!!

    Surrender in the War On Terror? Who cares? I might get free healthcare!

    Skyrocketing energy cost and taxation? Who cares? Save the planet from global warming dude!!!

    Obama’s victory is a de facto vote of no confidence in the America we used to know.

  4. Carl, Woody,

    I commend to your attention Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor Musings and perhaps a purahase of A Step Farther Out (a mere $4) or even The Pournelle Continuum which contains A Step Farther Out and nine more Pournelle books–just $20 for the collection)–each in eBook formats. A Step contains a few items that could easily turn things around economically and socially for the entire planet, let alone the US.

    Pournelle’s website is visited and contributed to–comments are via moderated email ONLY–by some of the smartest and best-informed people on the web. His mailbag is a must-read. Pournelle is still recovering from radiation therapy for a brain tumor, but though he’s lost a step, perhaps, he’s still one of the sharpest tools in the shed.

    Then there’s this book. We NEED this (and see here as well), and with a Marxist-socialist dominated fedgov, we’re going to have a steep uphill battle to get it. But I am more and more convinced that for the survival of the republic, we need the structural changes in control of the purse that The FairTax would give us–we the People.

    I guess I need to start ginning up some posts on fundamental issues again…

  5. Pingback: The Amboy Times
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