DST: R.I.P. for 2008

“Spring forward, fall back.”

Yep. just a heads up for those of y’all still wondering about the silly changes in DST. This year, at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, November 2, most of the U.S. will roll clocks back to 1:00. That means, for those of us who don’t plan on being awake at that time, rolling clocks back tonight before heading off for some shuteye.

Personally, I plan on making tonight a “storage battery” night and heading off to get some much needed rest even earlier than usual. Ginormously pooped out already, and it’s only 8:00 (DST) in the ayem here. Sure, been up since 5:00, but that’s no real excuse, now is it? As a matter of fact, I think I’ll go take a nap now, too.


4 Replies to “DST: R.I.P. for 2008”

  1. I’m no fan of this time change nonsense as it costs me an hour of productive day light; most of my work comes in after 9am so it’s like short “sheeting the bed”.

  2. Davido,

    What the heck is “central” DST?

    Does that mean “dust” time?

    I’m surprised that folks on your side of the Big Muddy have clocks or can still read ’em. πŸ˜‰

    Now, after that (?) … my thoughts are:

    *Guvmint* QUIT messin’ with *my* clock!

    I’ve lived in enough different time zones that I really don’t care whether we are in “standard” time or “daylight savings” time. JUST leave the clock alone!

    Either one is A #1, OK with me! Stop changing it every 6 months!

    How many hours do I add or subtract from “Z” time. Always somewhat confusing.

    Let’s ALL go to “Z” time, even for our “everyday” clocks! Sure would simplify thangs.

    Young Son, civil engineer, building a water treatment plant in Banda Ache (Sumatra/Indonesia) — still a part of the tsunami recovery. He is always half a day ahead of us. BUT, it seems to depend on which day of the week it is whether it’s 11 or 12 hours.

    Somehow my lessons in “Z” time apparently didn’t take for him! πŸ˜‰


    PS … Let’s ALL go to the 24 hour clock!!!

  3. I’m with you on the 24-hour clock, Hugh, though I’m in the habit of using the ayem/pm thing cos folks generally look like lost puppies if I use 1500 for 3:00 p.m.

    On Zulu time… notsomuch with you. There are valid reasons for using the simplified time zones we have, I think (partial: the fine line differentials noted in UTC–often called Zulu–are just too much complexity for “prisons for kids” trained sheeple, and simplifying UTC for widespread use would lead to… something indistinguishable from the simple time zoning we have now). Some time zoning is whacked up and “Daylight Saving Time” is stupid, but in general, ET, CT, MT and PT make some decent sense of the US. Sure, we could say, for Central Time “UTC-6” or some such, but what improvement over “Central Time” is that for common use? Someone flying from Chicago to Belize might find it useful to know UTC-6, Central Time, is the same for Belize as for Chicago (unless he’s flying during CDST–*bleh*), but not unless he’s the pilot or a weatherman or some such.


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