“…the junior Eeyore from Massachusetts…”

John Podhoretz zings the Jean Fraud sKerrys of the so-called “Democratic” Party

… the junior Eeyore from Massachusetts, John Forbes Kerry, who had the distinct misfortune of being booked onto “Meet the Press” yesterday only 90 minutes after the polls closed in Iraq — and couldn’t think of a thing to say that didn’t sound negative.

“No one in the United States should try to overhype this election,” said the man who actually came within 3 million votes of becoming the leader of the Free World back in November.

No? How about “underhyping”? How about belittling it? How about acting as though it doesn’t matter all that much? That’s what Kerry did, and in so doing, revealed yet again that he has the emotional intelligence of a pet rock and the political judgment of a . . . well, of a John Kerry.

Just read the whole thing.

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