Driving for Mongolia

“State of Fear”—Michael Crighton’s not the only one who knows global warming Chicken Littles have been snorting exhaust fumes

“…from the Chief Diplomad: Not long ago I read about the freezing winters that Mongolia has suffered. Being a charitable person, I now drive my SUV in honor of the Mongolians. Bumper sticker: Driving for Mongolia!)”

Read the whole post linked above. It includes the Diplomad take on Ten Lies that are favs of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and their co-conspirators in the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.

Oh, and the Michael Crighton reference? It is, of course, to his latest book debunking much of the pseudoscience that seems to dominate the public square, including wacko nutcase environweenie bloviation based on hot air (not “greenhouse gases”).

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