Voodoo “Science”

One of the problems that the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming (and its newly christened scientifictional dogma of anthropogenic global changism) keeps on running into time and again is that its predictions always fail. Always. What the “chuch” seems to have forgotten is some basic principles of experimental demonstration of theories, specifically,

‘The best scale for an experiment is ten millimeters to the centimeter!’


Instead, the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming tends to rely on pretty pictures and graphs generated by whoo-whoo computer models that defy common protocols of scientific practice, common sense and simple honesty.

No wonder its predictions, like other wackos who have been foretelling doom since the founding of the human race, have been crackers from the start.

(Now sitting in my office “enjoying” the first truly seasonal temperatures of the year–s’all right. I’m quite comfy with simply an old AS400 cooling fan turned on me. 🙂 It’s 86 degrees Fahrenheit outside, right now–that’s 30 degrees Celsius for you Europeans out there–just a wee tad milder than the third week in July usually is in these parts. Simply reflects a major global cooling trend that’s been happening for the past eighteen months. “Global warming” my hinky &^%$ @$$.)

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, , The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, and , thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to “Voodoo “Science””

  1. “Hinky”… I’ve never actually heard that word in real life before… It reminds me of this exchange from “The Fugitive

    Marshal Biggs: It’s hinky, Sam. I mean, this guy is a college graduate. He became a doctor. I mean, he ain’t gonna go through here with all this security. Hinky.
    Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Biggs, what does that mean, hinky?
    Marshal Biggs: I don’t know. Strange. Weird
    Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Well, why don’t you say strange or weird? I mean hinky, that has no meaning.
    Marshal Biggs: Well, we say hinky.
    Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: I don’t want you guys using words with no meaning.

    I love the quote about the best scale for an experiment. That reasoning is why I chose a million particles per million as the upper bound on my chart showing the amount of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere.

  2. Main Entry:


    Inflected Form(s):
    hin·ki·er; hin·ki·est

    alteration of argot hincty: suspicious
    Date: 1956

    (Besides, it just sounds right for expressing both suspicion and disgust.)

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