“I mock you with my monkey pants”

(Thanks for the post title, Oz)

One of my favorite times of the year is here. For the next month or so, I get to mock all the illiterati, lazy bums and idiots who can’t pronounce February correctly. Happy-happy-joy-joy for a curmudgeon! *heh* Heck, I’ve gotten an early start, as I’ve listened to professional babblers mispronounce it as Feb-YOU-ary for the last week or so. Idiots. Lazy bums. Illiterati. Happy-happy-joy-joy. 🙂

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24 Replies to ““I mock you with my monkey pants””

  1. Pingback: Big Dogs Weblog
  2. Pingback: Cao's Blog
  3. Yeh, T.F., “nuclear” is a commonly mispronounced word (particularly at one House on Pennsylvania Avenue *sigh*), but 6 years? I’ve been listening to “professional” babblers–you know, people who get paid to simply read words for TV or whatever–say “Feb-YOU-ary for decades! Always makes me think they’re stealing their pay, you know?

    Make that “illiterate, lazy, idiot thieves. *heh*

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