Snow Day!

Well, America’s Third World County™ schools have had a snow day declared… even though I can’t see any measureable precip from my door. Ah, well, it’s those roads back in the piney woods that’re always the problem. If more kids walked to school like we did in The Golden Years (five miles through feet, feet I say, of driving snow *heh*), AND if government schools weren’t paid by head count, my Wonder Woman would still be going in today. As it is, unless there’s an emergency call, I’m going to have a holiday with her and take off, myself.

So, expect a twc post about anything but “Snow day!” today? Nuh-uh. Just send me a reading list. I’ll catch up tomorrow. Maybe.

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22 Replies to “Snow Day!”

  1. Now don’t take this the wrong way; but I find it amusing that there would be a “white out” day off the day after Martin Luther King Day. I know, I know…

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