Giving in to temptation…

Well, I could have resisted, but I decided it was just too delicious… “The Cave of Adullum” again… (Well, if you had gone there, read and commented, I’d not feel so strongly that I needed to give another taste!)

“Allow Us to Quote
The American Spectator reported on the doings of a certain imam in Spain, an imam who goes by the moniker of Mohamed Kamal Mustafa. The good rev. was sentenced to 15 months in the hoosegow for “encouraging violence against women.” Apparently, his progressive 120-page tome entitled Women in Islam was teaching his attentive (very male) readers to avoid striking their wives on their more sensitive parts. Rather, he argued, beatings should use a light rod in order not to leave scars or bruises, and that said beatings should be administered only “on hands and feet.” If, against all precautions, bruises or scars inexplicably appear anyways, the faithful disciplinarian should buy the little lady some shoes and mittens.

What these Muslim women really need is a New Testament, some hockey gloves, a helmet, and a Louisville slugger.”

Now you’re cookin’ with gas! Hmmm… maybe there’s something in there for the part of the War to Save Civilization as fought against the Islamofascists: teach the women that they are humans and that they, too, have genuine human rights, then teach them how to shoot an appropriate handgun… and give ’em the handgun they are trained on and 1,000 rounds.

“AMIRIYAH, Iraq — The first time the women at the paramilitary training camp here went for shooting practice most were nervous, some started crying and others did not want to pick up the guns.

Nearly four weeks later, Shemaa Jasem, 22, held up her paper target showing three small holes near the bull’s-eye, and was disgusted. “Bad shooting today,” she said… ”

It’s a good start.

On to Riyadh?

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