is sponsoring “…pro-troop rallies and events in 40 cities across America for the next three weeks, and at each event we’ll collect signed Christmas, Hanukkah and holiday greeting cards that we’ll deliver to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan . We’re collecting over 100,000 cards in this effort – and given the current rate the cards have been coming in to our headquarters at Move America Forward we could well exceed that goal.”
Folks, this is worth doing no matter what your views on the Iraq adventure may be. Those who have chosen to serve in the armed forces to protect and defend our country deserve our best in response to their high calling.
Get the word out, would you, and while you’re at it, if you can, go to one of the rallies too.
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Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Cao’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Chuck Adkins, Stageleft, and Adeline and Hazel, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
David, my initial “gut reaction” was a big “Thank You” — but then I took a look at the chart (“map” to the uninitiated). The tour totally skips the TWC (& parts there ’bouts) AND offers ONLY ***ONE*** stop in “my” Carolina.
Anyone noticed how many veterans/heroes live here??
ALSO, note the “track” location. “Is that all there is?”
Yeh, Hugh, I know what you mean. Not only misses twc by 2 states (although IF I could get down to “Bobby Jindal-land” I just might… maybe), but some obvious routings that would pull in 1,000s and 1,000s of folks were missed (I can peg at least one “small town” of 125,000 or so that would clogg the main thoroughfares with eager supporters, but that’s just me. Although… main thoroughfares pretty much close down there for Armed Forces Day in the Spring every year, with ALL the HS and Jr High bands, LOTS of VFW/retired and active duty military and many, many more parading to loud huzzahs… )
But keep in mind, this is just one group doing what occured to them to do. I rerally need to hilight more of this kind of thing.