Jerry Pournelle comments on how democracies fail:
If anyone wants to know how democracies fail, look at our energy policy, or lack thereof. We have invested a trillion dollars in a war to stabilize oil supplies — does anyone sane or insane suppose that we would have put the entire might of the empire into Iraq if it weren’t for Middle East oil? — when a fraction of that invested domestically would have given us energy independence. I said all this back before the invasion when the costs were thought to be about $300 billion. Three hundred billion is a lot of money, and that much invested in nuclear power, developing domestic oil resources, and sponsoring X-Projects on efficient transportation using electricity would have given the US energy independence; and if $300 billion wouldn’t do it, the $1,000,000,000,000 — one trillion dollars — the war actually cost certainly would have. We’d also have Solar Power Satellites and a Moon Colony (you build the Lunar Colony on weekends and third shifts while constructing Solar Power Satellites)…
…If that isn’t depressing enough, think about what’s happening with the Great Global Warming Scam. We can’t just establish a Technocracy. Science generates bureaucracies, and Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy governs there too. The bureaucrats will always run the show, and the scientists and technologists will be subordinate to them. The Great Global Warming Scam coupled with the Great Ethanol Scam to make some people (think ADL) very, very rich. It also enriches those who sell carbon offsets.
Read more at the link.
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Energy independence..ahhhhhhhh..nirvana!..fished u outta the spammy filter..ty for the vis David!:)