Do Not Pass Go
Do Not Collect… on the WalMArt money orders recieved in the mail.
Readers of this blog are not likely to fall for it, but, according to an unconfirmed report from a “usually reliable source” with ties in WallyWorld Central, “Apparently someone in Argentina got ahold of WalMart money orders and is randomly sending them to people in the states. Some people (who need their sign-duh) cashed them and have been arrested.”
Do note:
1.) I have not checked this out further
2.) “WalMArt money orders”? Heck, who woulda thunk it? Are such things for real anyway?
So FWIW, if any of us DO recieve any such things in the mail, let’s all send them to someone else to cash. Preferably a politician *spit*, Mass Media Podperson or some despised neighbor. *heh*
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I’d cash it with my left-over Monopoly money. Who’d know the diff? LOL.
Hey – cool! If I receive any I’ll send them over to my good pals at Sadly, No! LOLOL
Just for fun and to friendly of course (weg)