This trailer for an “updated” 300 is as good an intro as I could ask for…
h.t. NealsNuze
Matthew 7: 13Enter ye in at the strait* gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; 14Because strait* is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.–NJKV
The semi-archaic construction above actually carries the meaning of the text better (for those who can read it) than many more modern translations. *sigh*
This makes me think of gates and fences. In the broader context of society today, we have a political elite and those they serve (decidedly NOT the majority of citizens they are tasked to serve!) who have determined to completely eliminate the gate controlling access to the superhighway leading to perdition while at the same time piling heaps of trash in front of the gate that opens onto the narrow path to life.
An example–one of many–can be found in the clear message of those who once again seek to grant amnesty to those who have violated our borders, stolen IDs, jobs and services from citizens and done so with the active aid of a foreign power. 1, 2, 3. Were our political elite–elected for the most part with votes bought from greedy and lazy American sheeple–not blinded by their own greed, lust for power and stupid short-sightedness as well as being completely scornful of their duty to this country’s citizens, the hordes of illegal aliens would soon be flooding over the borders OUT of the U.S.
No, don’t give me the old lying memes that they’re here to do “jobs Americans won’t do” or that it’s impossible to deport 20 million people. *throws the bullshit flag*
1. Eliminate illegals’ jobs by cracking down on those who hire illegals
2. Eliminate social services for illegals that are paid for by tax dollars (private social services that do not use ANY public monies could, of course, continue to aid outlaws if they wished).
3. While cracking down on illegals in the workplace, put those thus caught on chain gangs making little rocks from big rocks until they’re too worn down to EVER consider coming back through the back door.
Do those simple things and the flood of invaders seeking to leave would swamp our borders.
But the other side of that particular “open the wrong gate and block the right gate” behavior by our political elite is that the gate to legal immigration is blocked by piles of bureaucrappic trash. Yes, we do need immigrants, but not to do the grunt work and menial labor that limosine “liberals” and fake “conservatives” want done on their estates and in their lowballing businesses. We need immigrants who have technical skills and real science education since those skills and education factors are lagging in the U.S. Yes, lagging, falling behind, failing to meet our needs as an advanced, technological society. (But that’s another rant–about education.)
Any politician *spit* with more than two active synapses in the thunder mug that sits atop his shoulders could see that offering amnesty (even the backdoor amnesty being considered this week)–rewarding outlaws who wreak havoc on our social structure, economy, national health and medical systems, etc.–is a bad, bad idea. But though the smartest of our politicians *spit* (those who actually do have two or more working synapses in the thunder mugs sitting atop their shoulders) know this, almost all of them are still on the road to tearing down the last of the crumbling walls between us and the barbarian hordes. (And yes, I am aware of a very few statesmen left who seek to preserve what little of the Republic we once had. Too little, too late? Maybe.)
*For those to whom “strait” is a confusing term, “strait” is a perfectly good word that is very different in meaning to “straight”. It is most often used in our less and less literate culture to mean “a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water,” leaving aside its broader meaning. Strait=narrow (thus “straits” as bodies of water are also often referred to as “narrows”!)
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Bwhahahha! @ that vid! always superb read..too bad
Congress doesnt have to answer to u!..put up the dang Fence!