Great Creeping Credentialitis, Matban!


This is just a teaser for tomorrow’s Thursday Thirteen, “Thirteen Ways to Improve Public Education”

From a collection of Chrstopher Anvil’s “space opera” stories, Interstellar Patrol II-The Federation of Humanity, edited by Eric Flint, this:

Is a blacksmith qualified because a qualified blacksmith says he’s qualified, or is he qualified because he can work in iron? And if he can’t work in iron, what is his qualification worth, and what is the qualification of the person who qualified him worth? There are two forms of qualification, you know. One is the license to practice. The other is the ability to do the job. One qualification is granted by authority. The other qualification is acquired by thought and work. How closely these two qualifications correspond generally depends on how well the constituted authorities understand the actual conditions. There are many cases where the authorities don’t understand.

Just so, is a teacher qualified to teach just because they attained some set of credentials as dictated by politicians and educrats (each a class of persons that can’t generally find their own butts with a mirror on a stick… although they generally have no trouble talking out their butts… )?

Just asking…

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