T-13, 1.40: Thirteen Things I Don’t Have to Do Today

The title says it all…

Thirteen Things I Don’t Have to Do Today.


1. Rotate my tires.

2. Bake a cake.

3. Assure world peace.

4. Suffer a fool gladly.

5. Feed the dogs (that’s Bubba’s task :-))

6. Renew my library card.

7. Have a beer (but I will anyway ;-))

8. Wash the car.

9. Re-roof the house (not today: sometime next year, maybe, but not today. *heh*)

10. Do without dessert.

11. Eat fast food.

12. Do without my Wonder Woman’s smile.

13. Make the sun shine.

Now, with all those things I do NOT have to do, everything else on my plate seems pretty darned easy.

tb-ed to the Thursday Thirteen Hub. Visit and check out some of the other T-13ers, eh?

6 Replies to “T-13, 1.40: Thirteen Things I Don’t Have to Do Today”

  1. LOL Great list. I don’t have to do any of those either – however I will have to find a substitute for your wonder woman. LOL (Oh and I don’t drink beer so…..)

  2. Bernie: that’s just sick.


    mnm: Get your wn Wonder Woman… or Magnificent Man, perhaps. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And beer? I don’t drink American stuff that tastes like water “filtered” through a horse, so I may not drink what you think of as beer.

    Yeh, Mel, it’s fun. *g*

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