I missed this one *heh*

Over at The Amboy Times: Why Muhammad Could Not Have Been a Prophet

Of course, what’s left out of the discussion–mostly–is that the standards of a good, righteous life simply do not apply to Mohammed, as far as Islam is concerned, because Islam is built around the fundamental principle of blind self-contradiction.

But regardless of the otherwise fine content, one statement made on the post is a blatant foul:

“…Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather.”

Gangster godfathers worldwide are slandered by such a statement. To associate such comparatively moral, righteous and humane individuals with the savage, filthy sociopathic conman, thief, rapist, pedophile, mass murderer and slaver, Mohammed (Butcher of Medina, et al), is indeed a calumny of terrible proportions! Gangster godfathers everywhere are owed a sincere apology for this base slander!


And, of course, anyone, anywhere, any time who reveres that savage, filthy sociopathic conman, thief, rapist, pedophile, mass murderer and slaver, Mohammed (Butcher of Medina, et al) and seeks to emulate him IS at the very least a savage, filthy sociopathic conman, thief, rapist, pedophile, mass murderer and slaver… wannabe.

Religion of peace, MHWA…

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Faultline USA, Stageleft, Right Truth, , The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, Webloggin, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Public Domain Clip Art, Pursuing Holiness, Gone Hollywood, and OTB Sports, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

2 Replies to “I missed this one *heh*”

  1. Not giving a lick about Muhammad one way or the other, if one bases their judgments of others on the people they emulate then we’re all in pretty deep shit. I mean, have you watched an American movie lately, thought about sports fandom or paid attention to who we’ve elected to office in the last twenty years?

    If these are the people that we’re holding up as examples, we’re just a pot talking to a kettle.

  2. Thomas,

    I’ve never said anything quite like this in response to a comment on this blog, but your comment begs correction, because it’s one of the most profoundly stupid things I have ever seen in print.

    “emulate: to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass”

    Show me one sports or entertainment celebrity who’s emulated by the masses who’s a mass murderer, a serial rapist (and by “serial rapist” I mean ranking in the 100s of women raped), a pedophile, a looter, pillager, slaver and assasin.

    Those are but a few of the outstanding qualities of the filth that all Muslims are taught is the highest and best they can aspire to be. Indeed, ALL Muslims celebrate as a good and great victory Mohammed’s treachery in violating a truce and ordering hundreds of Jews killed (the men only; women and children–both boys and girls–were objects of rape on the way to being made slaves, all with Mohammed’s specific instruction and blessings.

    And that was just the beginning of the horrific life this filth led and which ALL MUslims are told is the best they can aspire to be.

    And you say that’s not a problem, that Hollyweird and celebrity athletes are just as bad an influence.

    Pardon me while I throw a big bullshit flag. While I quite agree that celebrities and entertainment crap in general are terrible wastes of resources and indeed bad influences on our society, if you add ALL the crap from Hollyweird et al together, it doesn’t even begin to compare to just the horrors of Darfur alone, horrors that can be directly laid at the feet of those who HONESTLY and GENUINELY emulate the Butcher of Medina.

    Try flying the cultural relativism flag somewhere else. Even at its worst (say the fire bombing of Dresden) if one were to add ALL the worst excesses of evil of Western Civilization from the time of Rome to today together, it would not hold a candle to the last thousand years–let alone the last 1,500–of Islamic savagry.

    (And before you try it, don’t even think about playing the “great contributions of Islamic civilization” card. Anyone–anyone–who does their homework knows that is bullshit. Not one useful thing has come from Muslim creativity–the few things that are claimed to have done so were all stolen from elsewhere.)


    “No one disputes that the Prophet’s was the supreme role-model in his traits and in his behavior…”

    Some off-the-wall, non-mainstream Muslim of olden days? No, Egyptian Religious Endowments Minister Dr. Muhammad Hamdi Zaqzouq, this year. “…the supreme role model in his traits and in his behavior…” Like, one must infer, ALL his traits and behavior, including theft, sexual and gustatory gluttony, rape, mass murder, pedophilia, torture, mutilation, assasination, slavery… “…the supreme role model…”

    Indeed, for AL Muslims, he is exactly that. So, any Muslims who are not–yet!–rapists, pedophiles, mass murderers, etc., are simply aspiring rapists, pedophiles, mass murderers, etc., if they are genuine in their “faith”–and if not, then they still enable others who are genuinely pursuing the ideal of Islam by continuing to practice its forms and contribute to the genuine and sincere practice of more honest disciples of The Butcher of Medina.

    Until Muslims throw Mohammed out of their tent and curse him as the vile creature that he is, Islam will genuinely and properly (as would befit any honest practice of its tenets) remain a cult of murder, rape, torture, etc. Of course, as soon as Muslims grow up and realize that they must throw the monster out of the tent, then they will no longer have the Koran and the hadith to support their cult and the world will become a better place as Islam withers away.

    Of course, that will not likely happen in my lifetime, since something approaching 90% of Islam societies are illiterate and deliberately kept that way by those who use the brutal cult of Islam to keep them under their thumbs.

    Just as Mohammed conned or brutalized–whichever worked–the weak of his day into becoming followers (while he gained other sincere followers from among the brutes of his day).

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