T 13; 1.37: A few of my favorite things

“When the dog bites/When the bee stings… ”

1. Rain. No, not particularly fond of close lightning strikes, driving in the rain or the close, humid feeling of a hot day following a rain, but the rain itself… nice.

2. Cloudy days/clear nights. Cloudy days are just easier on the old eyes. Greens seem greener, the light seems to come from everywhere. Clear nights seem to go along with cloudy days in visibility/easy on the eyes. Recently, as America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ has started becoming more populous and “electrified” the clear nights are also becoming less appealing: fewer visible stars, etc. But still, a clear night when the moon overpowers the “electrification” is a really Good Thing, even if it does mean fewer visible stars.

3. Green. Especially the multivariant greens of the Ozark hills of America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. When a Spring and Summer have gotten good rains, the greens are so rich that simply looking out off our back deck can absorb hours if I let it.

4. Coffee: God’s gift to those blessed (and it can be a real blessing!) with the invidiously labeled ADHD. Besides, when made correctly, it can be a tastebud treat nonpareil!

5. Well, nearly. There are also the taste bud treats of apple pie

6. Ice cream (especially peach, strawberry or blueberry!) and

7. Sherbet (see #6 for flavors :-))

8. And who can deny the fact that God made beef so tasty? Especially range-fed Scottish Highland Cattle! Oh, yum! Beef: it’s what’s for dinner.

9. Beethoven. Yeh, I love Brahms’ music, and what could be more delightful than listening to Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau singing Papageno in Die Zauberflöte (Mozart)? Fabulous! And Bach, Haydn, Sibelius, Copland–the list is too long for one post, let alone one point. Nevertheless, Beethoven has captured my “Fav of Favs” spot for years, now. Even the much-maligned Eighth Symphony is head and shoulders above darned near anything by anyone else, IMO. (And why is the thing maligned at all? Beethoven, when asked why the Seventh recieved such praise and the Eighth such pans, said something to the effect that the Eighth was negatively compared to the Seventh because the Eighth was so much better… and he was right, of course. Even then, many listeners’ ears were dull to its beauty. :-))

10. Graphic artists, musicians, writers, dancers, etc., who understand and appreciate beauty and

11. Who develop the chops to draw a stright line, sing or play ON PITCH *sheesh!*, create moving and beautiful choreography, etc.

12. Dogs and cats, for very different reasons. Dogs, largely because they are so unreservedly givers. Cats, because they are so unreservedly takers. Both because they feed my soul.

13. My family. Wonder Woman, Lovely Daughter and Bubba (he needs a new appellation; this one’s no longer as decriptive of his character–need to think on that one) feed my soul as nothing else does. My reasons for living.

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