Child Abuse

You might think from the post title that this would be about physical abuse. Perhaps sexual abuse or even the institutionalized child abuse in the classrooms of our nations “prisons for kids” (AKA, “public schools”). But no. I’m talking about the twisting of children into moral and ethical monsters, people who grow up into societal black holes because their parents have demonstrated to them that disregard–even outright contempt–for property, safety of others and even laws intended to protect persons and their property* is a positive good, as long as such disregard for others enhances the material wealth of the child.

Parents teach this by demonstrating a complete disregard for the rights, property and safety–including contempt for laws intended to protect folks from such abuse–of those around them day in and day out as they pursue their own selfish ends.

And a very good example of such disregard for others and for laws intended to protect the rights and safety of individuals are the illegal aliens who bring their children here (or come here to spawn) deliberately, willfully and maliciously determined to violate the laws intended to protect others from their predation. Yes, illegals steal jobs from the most vulnerable in our society, the working poor. They don’t care.

Yes, illegals are bringing back diseases once wiped out in our society, by circumventing the process of legal immigration meant, in part, to prevent the importation of such diseases. They don’t care who they may infect or even kill because of their acts. All they want is “a better life for themselves and their families”. They don’t care what the cost to others is.

Yes, illegals are clogging emergency rooms (forcing the shutdown of emergency services in many hospitals). They don’t care that by doing so they are using limited resources belonging to others.

Yes, illegals are eating limited educational resources, demanding (and recieving) exceptional treatment in schools–and by doing so depriving others of services. They don’t care.

Illegals are wreaking havoc with the finances of countless individuals by means of fraud, identity theft and the attendant damages they cause.

All this and much, much more: they don’t care, because by breaking innumerable laws designed to protect others from predation and complete disregard for the safety and property* of others, they can “better” themselves.

Sure, and that’s what any thief, robber, murderer might say: “As long as I benefit, what does it matter who I harm?”

And THAT is the destructive lesson they teach their children: how to be monsters who care not one damn about others as long as it gets them what they want. Bringing children up with a hole in their souls carved out by parents’ selfish disregard for others.

On the other side of the equation are those who are waiting in line for LEGAL entry into this country. Another set of folks harmed by illegal aliens jumping the line.

(And yes, I know there are other parents teaching a similar lesson with their behavior, but few can be so starkly contemptuous of the lives and rights of others as the outlaws who are the 2-20 million strong invading army of hateful** illegals.)

*Property is simply distilled time and effort and talent; it is chunks of our lives converted into material possessions. X-number of hours of ones life invested in order to purchase… stuff. Think about that the next time you buy a piece of appealing junk.

**Hateful? WHat could be more hateful than complete, utter, absolute disregard of others? Think about it. Being completely ignored as though you didn’t even exist. Treated as nothing but a completely unimportant nothing, a zero with the rim kicked off. THAT’S hateful. As an old Greek prof once told me about a word usually translated from the Greek as hate, “It really means, ‘Couldn’t give a damn'”. And that’s exactly what these parents are teaching their children by their actions: Don’t give a damn about anyone else. Look out for yourself and your family with no regard for the harm you are causing anyone else. If you have to make extraordinary efforts to harm others (obtain false documents to commit fraud harming others, for example), fine, as long as you benefit yourself monetarily.

*bah* Moral monsters breeding more moral monsters.

*heh* It’s one reason I approve of our pastor’s support of a Latino mission in America’s Third World Countyâ„¢. If some of them are exposed to a decent standard, then maybe some might repent, turn themselves in or practice a little self-deportation.

But I doubt it.

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