
I had already decided that I’d skip on the latest Fantastic Four movie. I saw the first one (as a video rental) and it stank up the room, so I figured this one would have small chance for improvement. The only “series” movies in recent memory that have improved as they segued to the next were… LOTR and the Die HArd franchise (although #3 in that franchise stank pretty badly). Orson Scott Card reviews the latest abortion of comics-to-movie here. A sample:

“…as Reed Richards (Gruffudd) and Sue Storm (Alba) are preparing to get married, we want to scream at the screen: No, don’t let them get married! They might have children! It would be a tragedy!”


There’s nothing wrong with the Fantastic Four movie series that could not be fixed by destroying every copy of the film.


Maybe I’ll watch the thing–a few years from now, when my eyesight and hearing are further deteriorated–when I can get it from the local rental place on a “7 movies for a buck” deal. Maybe not even then. I’d almost rather watch the latest Spiderman flic. *shudder*

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