What DO Politicians *spit* and Mulish Muslims Have in Common?

It takes a brick bat squarely between the eyes just to get their attention. Examples: swamped senatorial phone/fax lines on the shamnesty fraud juuuuuust managed to avert railroading the bill through the senate; bunker buster bombs on Saddam’s head finally got Qadaffi’s attention a few years ago.

But has the American public learned its lesson about politicians *spit*? We’ll just have to see. American politicians *spit* haven’t managed to learn the lesson about how to handle a Muslim. (Hint repeated: it’s quite a bit a different technique to the one advocated in “How to Handle a Woman”–Camelot, 1967)

(Do note: there was a core–a very small core–of Senators who were right on the shamnesty issue all along. On this issue. There is no small core of Muslims who are not terrorists or terrorist supporters, no matter what some may claim. ALL Muslims revere the FIRST Muslim terrorist, the Butcher of Medina.)

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