Techie Fun: How Standards-Compliant is Your Browser?

Test your browser for CSS compliance here. Any surprises?

FIAR notes that “Opera 9.21 is not as good… ” as Firefox. Well, yes and no. Kestrel (Opera 9.5–not yet released, generally :-)) posts these results:



4 Replies to “Techie Fun: How Standards-Compliant is Your Browser?”

  1. IE 6 is the worst Firefox 2 is the best but Safari 3 is not that far from Firefox

    any browser that actually suports ALL the features?

    PS Safari seems faster than the other two but for some operations it is more awkward

  2. Actually, Dan, Opera 9.5’s “Kestrel” rendering engine recently came through with a 100% score… Of course, the thing’s still in testing (of other features) and is not even a released beta, yet. *heh* But Opera 9.2 blows Firefox away.

  3. Konqueror scored better than Firefox as well.

    Konqueror 3.5.5 results:
    “From the 43 selectors 37 have passed, 6 are buggy and 0 are unsupported (Passed 570 out of 578 tests)”

    Firefox results:
    “From the 43 selectors 26 have passed, 10 are buggy and 7 are unsupported (Passed 357 out of 578 tests)”

    Opera was NOT as good.

    Opera 9.21 results:
    “From the 43 selectors 25 have passed, 3 are buggy and 15 are unsupported (Passed 346 out of 578 tests)”

  4. FIAR, do note the added graphic. πŸ™‚

    Sure, most folks won’t run beta as fresh as the Opera beta that garnered those results, but the first public beta release of the code that snagged those test results will be available soon. Slick stuff, Maynard.

    And that does indeed “blow Firefox away.”


    (Konqueror isn’t as bad a browser, overall, as Internet Exploder, but each time I try using it, I wince at its lame functionality and clunkiness. Sure, better than Dillo or other such lame browsers, and worlds and away better at many things than Internet Exploder, but just not a serious contender for my eye time, any more than Internet Exploder is. And I say that after giving it what I consider a fair trial every time I set up a new Linux box. Just not good enough for me.)

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