Barbarian Wisdom

A note to President Fifi Bush, Felipe Calderon’s lapdog.

Sometimes a fictional barbarian has something of worth to say. This, from the pen of Harry Turtledove for Felipe Calderon’s lapdog, Fifi Bush*:

“…[ it is] cursed foolishness to try and make a man go in a direction he doesn’t fancy…”

So, Fifi, take counsel of that as you seek to impose your shamnesty bill on citizens who do not want it.

*Give a skunk a poodle cut and call it “Fifi”.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, Nuke’s news and views, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Conservative Cat, OTB Sports, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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