Breakfast Anytime (Pan) “Casserole”

I don’t usually do recipes on Tuesday, but what the heck, I’m doing one today.

This is an adaptation of an old standby “breakfast casserole” to an “easy fixins” meal for anytime. One pan, pot or dish. Various, uem, variations. Here are the ingredients I use, but feel more than free to freely substitute.

1/2 pound cooked, smoked sausage, cut into “dimes”
1/2 medium yellow onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced (or pressed)

6 large eggs
1/4 C milk
1/4 C bacon bits (the real thing, not the imitation junk–you do have bacon bits on hand in your fridge or freezer, don’t you? :-))
1 to 2 C frozen green peas
2 C grated cheese (I use a monterey jack/cheddar mix)
4 slices bread, torn into medium pieces.

Saute the (already cooked) smoked sausage, garlic and onions until the onions begin to caramelize. While that’s on, scramble the eggs and milk and zap the peas in the microwave for a couple oif minutes.

When the onions are lightly caramelized, remove them and the sausage from the pan and cover the bottom of the pan with the bread. Add the sausage/onion mix back on top of the bread, then add the bacon bits, peas and cheese. Lastly, pour the egg/milk mixture over the cheese. Cover, bring to medium heat and cook until the eggs are done (different pans/stoves, etc. will require different times).

OK, that’s on the stove. In a casserole dish, 325 degrees fahrenheit, covered, for 35 or so minutes minutes; uncover and continue cooking for another ten minutes or so.

Or, do it all the easy way. I just use my rice cooker for the whole shebang, since it automatically goes to “warm” after a few minutes of “cook” and everything turns out just fine in about 20-25 minutes. (And if I leave it a little long, it’s still fine.)

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